George's Tale


George’s Tale (This writing will have more added to it shortly)

As 2024 ends, I am beginning a set of writings – with links to earlier writings related to my life.   Things will be added on – not necessarily – in chronological order – though I’ll try to tie things together in relative time area.

George Marx = December, 2024

The Basics:

-       -

Born:  Ann Arbor, Michigan – 1951 – am 73 years old as I begin my writing:

Father: (Menachem) Imanuel Marx – born: June 29, 1918 – Berlin Germany – Died:  November 13, 1964 – Lafayette, Indiana – Friday the 13th , when I was 13 years old

Paternal Grandfather: Moses Marx (1885 – 1973) Born Germany, lived in the U.S., moved to Jerusalem in 1963

Paternal Great-Grandfather – George Marx –

One of the pictures there – is of my grandfather (lower left corner 1892 – age 7 – also two of the younger girls – in the picture one – Esther (Marx) Agnon-  was the wife of SY (Shai) Agnon – Israel’s first Nobel Laureate – (1966 – Literature)

Mother – Mildred (Malkala) (“Ketty”) – nee Kesten – Marx and then Heimlich (I’m omitting my step-father in this writing) – (May 3, 1927 – September 19, 2014) – family background – Russian and Polish Jewish

Brother – Daniel Marx – July 23, 1953 – April 22, 2024

My Remembrance


September, 1969 – May, 1973 (except September 1970-January 1972 – when student at Macalester College, St. Paul, MN

University of Wisconsin, Madison, B.S. Elementary Education, May 1973 (not certified to teach – was fired in pa

id internship student teaching with 6th grade students at Lincoln Middle School) - 50th Anniversary - October, 2023

Remember Them While They are Still Alive - - a recent writing recognizes the importance of various other (non-family) people in my life.   Particularly noted there - is The Amazing (late) George Hrbek - - , who I only knew virtually and briefly - and really did appreciate - while alive.  (I'd be amazed if anyone reading this has heard of him - and you who are white, at least, should.)

-       -

1983- I was one of eight co-founders of Men Stopping Rape, Inc. of Madison, Wisconsin.   My 1987, I wrote a significant writing: Building and Sustaining a Healthy Men’s Anti-Rape Group

No therapist ever brought up the (fact in retrospect) obvious – major part of my reality – which is me being Autistic!   Indeed – a newly trained psychiatrist – did me a total disservice by telling me with “100% certainty” than I’m not Autistic!   Since I found out this major part of who I am – I’ve explored and found that a lot of the challenges of my life are more easily understandable.  See:

I can be a contrarion, or simply have different concerns and/or priorities than others often have.   

Grieving - , a recently written poem, deals with grieving, but also explores snippets of other things, including how one/we look(s) at the death or others, or pays little or no attention to her/his/their death.  

Honoring My Penis - , isn't quite what may first meet the eye.   It discusses patriarchy and how men can weaponise our penises, but more significantly focuses upon our sexuality, love, and often push forward, or stand back on sensitive areas such as our sexuality.   

I Don't Know  -Trigger Warning - a picture of myself in this, might offend some, deals a lot with pain and meaning in life - semi-(at least) - poetically.

Resistance - Looking Forward - - is a reaction, and a call to Action, written after the 2024 election.   It references Esther Armah, whose book Emotional Justice: A Roadmap for Racial Healing - - is most effective at centering dealing with racism on Black Women, helping us deal with the core intertwined issues of Racism and Sexism.  I highly recommend it!

Over the past six years or so, I've increasingly become aware of, and been bothered by, the lack of privileged, white male participation, in "doing the work".    In most "white" usually zoom based justice/ action spaces (most commonly focusing upon Racism), generally at most 25% or so of those present are male.   (Gay/Queer Identified men in such spaces also seem much more present, than Het/ Cis white men.)  When I participated in a nine month, monthly training with triads meeting separately, in a somatic/embodied space with Resmaa Menakem, the author of: My Grandmother's Hands... - - , I quickly noted that our space seemed about 95-96% female.   I could relate to the challenge, which I definitely felt, of being challenged far more than I was comfortable, being so far out of my normal "head space".

White Men for Racial Justice (WMRJ) - - has been tremendously different in a positive way.  I went to the Richmond/Petersburg Immersion/ Training in late September, 2024, expecting to be 2/3 - "Great" and 1/3 - "not so hot".    There was a lot of "great" - but none of the "not so hot".   I highly recommend WMRJ!!!   See my writing, even if not white or male - WMRJ-White Men for Racial Justice - .

(December 27, 2024 - Addition - follows)

Israel-Gaza (No More Emails) -

In 2013 I wrote my first major writing on living with Erectile Dysfunction.   It was published by Voice Male Magazine – and is viewable at:   The writing was later published in a book of VM writings.   Recently I was interviewed on NPR’s – WUNC (NC) Station’s Embodied which aired on January 12, 2024.   A podcast of the show is listenable at:

While some of my writings may sound weird and/or random - I try to process my traumas and healing in my writings.   Poetry - such as a recent one - Twin Poisons - - speaks to my proclivity for granola and lactose free ice cream and even cookies - when I don't avoid them, as well as purchasing books, a rather different area of focus.

 Whatdoes it mean when you say that Hamas is a Terrorist _____ ? (organization for example)

Do you similarly say:  "Israel is a Terrorist State?"

or say:

"The U.S. is the Most Powerful Terrorist State in the World?"

I doubt it!

Well, let's start with the U.S.   I'd certainly say that it is obvious, that if we are to claim - that 2000 years ago - .... regarding the U.S. - we might at best Guess - that Native Peoples lived in much of what is now North America, including at least 49 states of what is now the U.S.   If we use the same definition, the U.S. is clearly a terrorist state!

When focusing upon Hamas, Israel is presumed, erroneously to me, to be a "positive" or "good" country.

Hamas Contained: The Rise and Pacification of Palestinian Resistance - by Tareq Baconi is an excellent book!

The Hundred Year's War

Khalidi is excellent at showing patterns of repeated important things related to:

1.    Great Britain – supporting what became Israel strongly from 1917 through 1947, and having significant influence thereafter, most visibly related to Jordan,

2.    U.S. – strong, strong – following and supporting Israel, particularly since 1967, and complicity and even “strategic” pushing aggressive Israeli action, particularly in Lebanon in the early 1980’s and beyond then,

3.    The totally false narrative of Arab nations’ leadership supporting the Palestinian People, with a few, limited exceptions,

4.    The ineptness of the PLO and Hamas in learning of U.S. priorities and even trying more than tokenly to influence U.S. policy related to Palestine, as well as their corruption and lack of cooperating both with each other and in support of the Palestinian cause effectively in general,

5.    The myths of:  David = Pre-1948 Jews and 1948 and on Israel vs. Goliath – the Arab nations and the Palestinian People

and much more.  He is a realist, with conviction, one who hopes for justice, and recognizes how it will take time and a lot of sustained work by supporters of Palestine.

Stranger in My Own Land: Palestine, Israel and One Family’s Story of Home is an incredibly moving, powerful story that will move all besides die-hard supporters of Israel, who won’t listen to any message incongruent with their perspective.  Fida Jiryis tells her story in a deeply personal way that brings up nearly all the issues relevant to what has and continues to go on.   She humanizes and criticizes many, including Arafat, Jewish Israelis, as well as fellow Palestinians, including herself.

Justice for Some

The book is tremendously well researched!   It explains how Israel’s leadership has consistently over multiple decades used international law as a “weapon”.   The Holocaust is one bullet.  The (generally not reality based) Israeli (and other) Jews  fears of Palestinians are a second bullet.  Empathy for “poor” (sic) Israel is a third bullet.    Deeply woven in are the grossly racist narratives of the Palestinian People which Israel and its close “buddy”, the leadership of The United States (and many others in our country) readily put forth.

What is so devastating in reading this book is the thorough, methodical, consistent patterns of Israeli actions, in contrast to the simplistic, often focused (solely) upon the moments actions of Palestinian leadership.   The United States is the enforcer of the distorted reality put forth by the Israeli narrative which comes from the government and the media.

Ta-Nehisi Coates’ The Message is a book well worth reading.   Coates is a poet and storyteller, as well as journalist, a teacher, and a student.    This book exposed and deepened my knowledge and general insights related to Israel and racism, and much more.   While little was particularly new, so much wisdom showed itself through - most deeply.

EMOTIONALJUSTICE: A Roadmap for Racial Healing – Esther A Armah – is an incredible, amazing book which I would highly recommend for most people who are open to working on racism issues.   For white men, The Best; for white women – quite, quite valuable; for others I would imagine equally valuable.

James McBride's: The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store - is one of the best, if not the best novel that I've ever read!

From the first line:

There was an old Jew who lived at the site of the old synagogue up on Chicken Hill in the town of Pottstown, Pa.,  ...

James McBride took over my head (in trying to understand what really was going on) and my heart with this book.   The book rushed at me and took me over in some ways.   It was very humorous, while having a deep, deep serious side to it.   It took me time to really get a grasp of at least part of what was the meaning of what was going on.

The book is in a sense very simple, while it has layers and layers of complexity to it.   It is an easy read!   It is simply amazing!

The book's heart deals with Racism, as well as Anti-Semitism and Classism.   It digs deeply into the depths of Connection, sharply contrasted with the pettiness and intolerance of others.

RAISE A FIST , TAKE A KNEERace and the Illusion of Progress in Modern Sports – by: John Feinstein -  is a Must Read – for anyone interested in men and sports.  It is also an excellent read for others!

Jones ended up making two Olympic teams – the 2008 team and the 2012 team that went to London.  He had become the first African American to hold a world record in 2007 (note: men’s swimming) … (p.302)

The night after George Floyd’s murder, Jones took his dog out for an evening walk.  He was staying at his brother’s house in Charlotte, North Carolina, because he and his wife were building their own house nearby.

“I’d gone about a block when a police car went past me,” he said.  “All of a sudden, the car screeched to a stop.  The cop made a U-turn and came back to where I was walking.  He said, ‘Where’d you get the dog?’  I told him it was my dog.  He said, ‘Really? What kind of dog is it?  I told him it was a French bulldog and it was seven years old.  He lingered a little while longer and then finally said, ‘Well, just wanted to make sure everything’s okay,’ and drove away.

“I was really angry.  Do you think if I’m white there’s any way he screeches to a halt and turns around to come back and question me that way?  No way.  He saw a six five Black dude walking in a nice neighborhood and he decided something was up.  Did he think I was stealing someone’s dog?”

Jones had become a victim of a new phenomenon: WDWB – Walking Dog While Black. (p. 304-5)

Lost inMy Sadness

Tears wetting me Deeply

7:15-7:20 - this morning

I was heading out on the

Pratt Street Pier

The waves were Strong

Voices - range Out

I hoped against hope!

People were seeking Help

I felt helpless

I called the Coast Guard

7:12 - another had called 911

I didn't hear his voice

He had gone down

just before my arrival



The FEAR(s) of the Traitor - - prose - expands in another recent writing a little more of whom I am.   My father did teach me a lot - both good and bad in the short time we had together.   It was particularly short, because my brother and I were far, far from being  close to his top priority.   The psychological problems that controlled much of my brother's life, and deeply affected me through depression - off-and-on from age 18 until about age 66 - related in part to the parenting we received and didn't receive.

August 19, 2024 - I published - The Racism within (Jewish) Israel - not realizing how triggering it would be (on my Medium re-posting) to some fellow (I'm guessing mostly Male) Jews, who turned things around on me - pushing their fears and anger - directly at me.

Dude? What are you saying? Do you have any facts or any context for your woke ideology??
What it sounds like is that you hate yourself and you wish you were never born. That's what it sounds like to me.
So what on earth does your self-loathing have to do with racism?? Honestly- what on earth are you talking about?
If you were born in 1951, it sounds like you're suffering from the same affliction as Joe Biden - you are losing your mind sir.
Please go seek medical help immediately!

The Jews of Europe and Russia were generally white.

You mean looked white.
Because the Nazis disagreed with your assessment. Or are you just a stupid Jew? I guess i'll find out in the rest of this article.
"Professor Schwartz" - stated:

In the United States we live in a Racist Country. BIPOC, particularly Black or Native People, face persistent racism. Class and Gender intersect with perceived racial identity.

You are literally a MORON.
Where are you getting your information from. The United States is not anymore racist than anywhere else. In fact, there is LESS racism in the US than most places.
But clearly you have been brainwashed. Are you a racist sir? Do you hate Black people? Because if you don't hate Black people then who are you talking about?? +++

Empathy for the native Palestinian population was lacking in the 1920’s and more so with the rise of Hitler in 1933. Individual Jews of Palestine were supportive of individual Palestini...

WOW - you just skipped over the entire Ottoman Empire.
Why did you skip over 1000 years of history???
Dude, you need to be checked into a hospital IMMEDIATELY!!
Some of my own words from this writing:
I try to listen!   I try to hear!   I do feel – a lot!   My heart – is Not weaponized, and when I make Huge mistakes, they have come from my trauma – which goes way beyond what we call: “THE Holocaust”.   Genocide – as we have in The Sudan and Palestine is Holocaust – Kept Alive and Growing!

The Super "wise" "Em" - stated:
Are you really Jewish? If so, where does this weird self hatred thing come from? Jews have been at the forefront of every progressive movement (as well as providing intellectual rigour for both progressive AND conservative ones). Your self flagellation on the basis of being Jewish is embarrassing and inappropriate. If you are personally racist, sure. That's something to try to correct. But don't try and label a whole people with your failing. Particularly a people who have relatively *little of that particular dysfunction.

It is truly rewarding to (also) receive responses such as:

Another strong article that manages to be both heartfelt yet historically accurate. For anyone in any doubt about the racism in Israel against all non-whites, I would commend the testimony of a Moroccan Isrseli Jew, Alon Mizrahi (archived on YouTube on the Katie Halper show).
My own experiences in Israel, talking to Mizrahim and witnessing repeated Hate Crimes against non-whites remind me that Alon speaks for an entire generation of non-white Jews.
The story is a tragic one. Alon was contentedly embedded in his 1200 year plus old Moroccan Jewish community, when in the 50s, Zionists started to threaten and cajole his community to move to the "Young Israel". All Alon had been told by these white Jews was false. He was kept in conditions close to slavery, put to hard manual work and given the poorest housing. He had fallen into a trap as had so many other Mizrahim well settled in their home communities.
Albeit some Jews were expelled in retaliation for the Nakba, the truth which the Zionists have hidden is that most were allowed to return or were never touched by their host countries.
The Zionists lured them in as dirt cheap manual labor, and as in the scandal of the Ethiopian Jews among others, pretended their babies had died and gave them to white parents to rear, just as fascist regimes did.
This disturbing hidden history of Zionism is rarely told, yet the evidence is abundant and efforts to conceal this dark and terrible narrative have finally collapsed.

Thank you for another honest article.

I am greatly moved by the humanity of the Palestinian People. While I do not deny the humanity of many Jewish People, far too many of them/us  seem to be stuck in their fears.

Two example of my writings are related to: and the Amazing

My writings and links to a variety of things meaningful/ important to me are at: - white men 4 Justice - repostings from other sites




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