
Table of Contents and More

Table of Contents and More

  Table of Contents and Much More   PARTIAL  - TABLE OF CONTENTS + More  - My Personal Blog www.WorkingTowardsEndingRacism  - My Anti-Racism Blog  -  MERJ - Men for Equity and Reproductive Justice Caring White Men Sharing Together  - EXCELLENT FREE VIDEOS -- A.    P E R S O N A L     W R I T I N G S   1.  B O O K   (+ MORE)   R E V I E W S  -   R A C I S M 2.   R E P R O D U C T I V E    J U S T I C E 3.  ISRAEL - PALESTINE - JUDAISM 4.  R A P E   -  R E L A T E D 5.  B O O K   (+MORE)   R E V I E W S  -   O T H E R

Honor the Martyrs - Free Palestine

  Honor the Martyrs - Free Palestine - Berkeley - July 17, 2024 It was deeply moving being with perhaps 100 or more fellow Caring People in Berkeley, California last evening!   The Vigil - before it got dark was a spiritual - unifying experience, challenging each of us individually and collectively to Unite among both our similarities and differences. The Genocide is accelerating!   It has been accelerating more and more in the many months since October 7th!    We who were there listened, cried, pondered, and stretched in our Community of this Moment with Deep Sadness, Anger, and Hope! Our Facilitator spoke and then introduced his three daughters, each Unique and Powerful in their Youth!    This Family - losing their Own Family in Gaza and perhaps Beyond, while helping us Move Ahead in our Long Effort for Justice - and a Lasting, Just Peace! Mama Ganuush spoke in Their own Powerful Way - struggling at times as they were Triggered - in part through seeing the Pictures of the Few There -

Zionism vs. Anti-Zionism - Among Us Jews

  Zionism vs. Anti-Zionism – Among Us Jews !    Fear – Trauma – Genocide – Holocaust - (Self-) Centering – Empathy – Community – Allyship – Co-Conspirators – (Toxic/Self-Centered) Christianity vs. Jesus (which one – white or Not) – Settler Colonialism – Social Justice – Systemic Change Thinking of my Heart – in contrast to Intellect – Head Space has me now in a Space of Intense Anger and Grieving . Rashida Tlaib (An Inspiration) + Georges (Bisharat and Marx) December, 2023 As I write now, I was born over 73 years ago!    What has happened – October 7, 2023 through today/tonight (and seemingly continuing onward for as far as I can see in the future) seems more Critically Important – than all that I’ve witnessed in my life – including:   Assassinations of: JFK (Kennedy), MLK (King, Jr.), RFK (Robert Kennedy), 9/11 (September 11, 2001).    Perhaps the partially related rise of Fascism – courtesy of a lot of serio

What does it mean - when you say: "Hamas is a Terrorist ...." (organization etc.)?

  What does it mean when you say that Hamas is a Terrorist _____ ? (organization for example) Do you similarly say:  "Israel is a Terrorist State?" or say: "The U.S. is the Most Powerful Terrorist State in the World?" I doubt it! Well, let's start with the U.S.   I'd certainly say that it is obvious, that if we are to claim - that 2000 years ago - .... regarding the U.S. - we might at best Guess - that Native Peoples lived in much of what is now North America including at least 49 states of what is now the U.S.   If we use the same definition, the U.S. is clearly a terrorist state! When focuses upon Hamas, Israel is presumed, erroneously to me, to be a "positive" or "good" country.     What right did Lord Balfour and the the British Government of 1917 and the years following it to promise a Jewish state in Palestine?   It would have seemed much more logical to declare that the residents of Palestine should have (finally) have independence

Emotional Justice - Esther Armah: AMAZING BOOK!

  EMOTIONAL JUSTICE: A Roadmap for Racial Healing – Esther A Armah – is an incredible, amazing book which I would highly recommend for most people who are open to working on racism issues.    For white men, The Best; for white women – quite, quite valuable; for others I would imagine equally valuable. The Author kindly posing with me – White Privilege Conference – Tulsa – 2024 When Esther Armah spoke at the Privilege Institute’s 2024 Conference in Tulsa three months ago, everyone I talked with was amazed at what she said!    Robin DiAngelo (“White Fragility”) one of two Foreward writer in the book, as well as one interviewed in the book, was a facilitator and attendee at this Conference.     Many other notable people like Peggy McIntosh, as well as many incredible BIPOC, were also greatly impressed!    I’d never heard of Armah, and now I share her name with a lot of others! Lena Dunham shows how a woman upholds, through intimacy, this narrative of whiteness manifest in white

Tears Today

  Entering my 73 rd birthday I feel pain Deep Pain My Body is Hurting My Spirit is scarred Perhaps even Bleeding Hoping for a Respite of Minutes – at least Feelings and Though Abound “I Deserve It” If, If, If Only I will not say to you While it isn’t easy I can’t also Discard the Feelings and Thoughts Squeezing outward and Inward Writing in these moments Helps me Relax Being in the Pain Has Meaning Can’t bring Accountability but it helps in the Moment Thinking of my Father His Body – shrinking Losing – his struggle Nearly 60 Years ago Only Age 46 and I Lucky Having the Opportunities He Never Had Can I Regain The Flame or the Flicker of the Flame Of my Heart’s Inner Core Had been growing Seemingly Bountifully Anger, Fear, Trembling My Body Reacts and I React To it with Tears Not of Rage Dripping Slowly Being in Sad Contemplation Being Young(er) Twas – Painful Had been seemingly Free