
Table of Contents and More

Table of Contents and More

  Table of Contents and Much More   PARTIAL  - TABLE OF CONTENTS + More - My Personal Blog -  My Anti-Racism Blog ( White Men 4 Justice )  My effort to help white men tie in with and support the efforts of others (as well as ourselves) working to build a loving, just world  -  MERJ - Men for Equity and Reproductive Justice Caring White Men Sharing Together  - EXCELLENT FREE VIDEOS -- A.    P E R S O N A L     W R I T I N G S   1.  B O O K   (+ MORE)   R E V I E W S  -   R A C I S M 2.   R E P R O D U C T I V E    J U S T I C E htt...

Disaster - 2025 ?

Women For... about to lose 19th Amend if that work around Proj 25 last name bill goes through Magat farmers losing $$$$ due to USAID frozen. Now let’s looks at some of this stuff: 1.    Democratic Party – Insiders – at least a few, probably more than a few: a.    Pushed JB – as the “unity” or “safe” candidate to be nominated when he was floundering – James Clybourn rescued him – in S. Carolina – 2020 b.    Hid his increasing – memory related – aging issues over much of the 3 ½+ years – before he visibly Fell Apart debating – DT – in 2024 – leading to a rushed KH as the Dems nominee 2.    The 2024 Democratic Presidential Campaign – was horribly, horribly run including: a.    The primary reason to vote for KH – was – “DT – will be HORRIBLE – so vote for KH!” - clue 1 – it didn’t work! b.    Also – the Messaging repeatedly said – “The Economy is Great – so much better than it was under DT” and for those whose rent ...

Gazaland- Trumpsville

  Gaza Land – Trumpsville I fail to understand in my heart, how so many can not see (or do they simply not care)? Hindustan Times › World news   Jan 20, 2025 — How long will it take to  clear  the  rubble ? ... According to a UN damage assessment this month, it might take 21 years  and  cost up to $1.2 billion ... AP News › article › israel-hamas-war-gaza-str...   6 days ago — ...  rubble  — roughly 12  times  the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza. With over 100 trucks working full  time , it would take over 15 years to  clear  .. -- What military aid has the U.S. provided since the October 7 Hamas attacks? Since October 7, U.S. aid to Israel has played a crucial role in supporting its defense against escalating threats from Iran and its terror proxies. This includes the unprecedented Iranian ballisti...

Are You Afraid?

  Are You Afraid?   And if So Why and What? Why are You Afraid? and What Precipitated Your Fear? Is the Fear “Rational”? And/or What Makes it “Irrational”? If, I or Others Deem it So? - Fear Can be Particularly Intense When One – has been or is Deeply Traumatized To be Paranoid For Example Can be a Result of Historical Trauma The Trauma of “Ones People” or Ones’ Memories Imbedded Deeply Within Oneself of a Tragic Horrific Experience - My Wounds date from Being Bullied by three Older Boys and By Not Having a Solid Emotional Connection with An Adult – such as One of my Parents My Lack of Deep Awareness of this, It not being Processed Within me Through the Significant Therapy I Received as an Adult made it More and More Difficult to Unpack Until Recent Years – As I approached Age 70. For Me Much of this Fear Was Genderized as I Rarely Trusted – more than Superficially...

Madison - Trauma - Compassion

On December 16, 2024, a  school shooting  occurred at  Abundant Life Christian School  in  Madison, Wisconsin , United States. [4]  Two people plus the perpetrator, identified as 15-year-old Natalie Rupnow, [5]  were confirmed dead, and six others were injured. [1] The mayor of Madison sought to protect the privacy of those directly impacted by the killings, and was criticized for her bluntness and strong request – in not revealing names immediately.    The issues focused significantly on the fact that children were killed. Judith Davidoff wrote a recent Isthmus piece entitled “Let’s all take a minute”.    She quoted Vincent Filak, a journalism professor at The University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.    He spoke of how some survivors want to feel heard by others, including the media, in their healing process from the trauma. In reading this piece I fel...

Hugs - Loving or Lethal?

  Hugs – Loving or Lethal ? Hugs can be a most caring connection between two or more people.    They can also cause harm – detonating toxic energy - at Another.     Hugs also serve as a metaphor for much that is both great, as well as horrible, around us. A toxic individual, generally a man, can be a marauding mosquito.    They may seek out others.    Often (wo)men are made into “bait”.   Denying him “his hug” may be thrust at the Other, as if s/he is then negating his humanity. I try to be cautious around women I don’t know. I don’t want to be pushing myself upon them.   I don’t want either of us to feel me seeking their breasts through a hug. A few days ago I had a “hug conversation” with a close friend.   When we left the restaurant he amazed me!   His hug was strong, but not “macho” at all. Around men I’m generally hug avoidant.    Some mean seem afraid that I’ll make a pass at them, if we hug....

Night, Forgotten - WOW!

  NIGHT, FORGOTTEN – Meghan Joyce Tozer’s debut novel is a most fascinating, challenging book, which I highly recommend. (Note:    While I don’t know the author well, I heard of the book indirectly through meeting her in person recently.) I believe that she is particularly hoping to reach other women (and perhaps older teenage young women.     As an older, cis/ hettish, white man I found the book intense.    While reading this book, I often, I felt a lot of sadness and other deep emotions.    The narrator’s story frequently related to self-doubts, fueled by feeling “not heard” by the adults she cared about. This book could trigger some – particularly women and girls who’ve faced particular major traumas in their lives.    At the same time, it may assist them in unpacking some of what may have been hard (previously) to process. “Julie” is a caring relatively young, married woman whose life has centered around an immedia...

Remembering Tom Mosmiller - a Most Amazing Man!

I’m greatly saddened, having heard this afternoon of the death of my friend and ally Tom Mosmiller. My last visit with Tom - on his balcony - Fall, 2024 I can’t really say that I knew Tom well!  He showed me some pictures of me being on a panel at the 1983 – Ann Arbor – Men and Masculinity Conference of NOMAS, The National Organization of Men Against Sexism – so obviously we first met working together there. Probably I saw Tom at all the NOMAS Conferences I attended.  I had last seen Tom in 1993 (San Francisco).    I tracked him down in 2022, after returning to the East Bay Area.   He invited me to lunch at his Oakland condo four or five times thereafter. Each time we got together, I felt like we were both getting a little closer together through our memories of past Men’s Movement work.   I was also learning much more of Tom’s amazing life journey.   Sadly, I was also learning of his lung condition which he bravely accepted. ...