Judaism - Israel - Palestine - Part VI

 Part V - This is Part VI

The war ended in 1949 with Israel’s victory, but 750,000 Palestinians were displaced, and the territory was divided into 3 parts: the State of Israel, the West Bank (of the Jordan River), and the Gaza Strip. 


Growing up in the 1950’s and early 1960’s, I have clear memories of:

Palestinian fedayeen (from the Arabic fidā'ī, plural fidā'iyūn, فدائيون) are militants or guerrillas of a nationalist orientation from among the Palestinian people.[1][2] Most Palestinians consider the fedayeen to be "freedom fighters",[3] while most Israelis consider them to be "terrorists".


The “fedayeen” I heard about were described as what I would characterize as: “crazed, violent, murderous men” who crossed from The West Bank and sought to kill innocent Israeli’s (Jews) out of pure hatred (alone).

The fedayeen I heard about were never spoken of as men, or their sons, who had been forced out of their villages.  They and their families have never been allowed to return anywhere in Israel.   They have never received compensation for their losses, which go well beyond simply their family house.

The 1949–1956 Palestinian expulsions were a continuation of the 1948 expulsion and flight of Palestinian Arabs from Israeli-controlled territory that occurred after the signing of the ceasefire agreements.[1][2][3][4] This period of the exodus[5] was characterised predominantly by forced expulsion during the consolidation of the state of Israel and ever increasing tension along the ceasefire lines ultimately leading to the 1956 Suez Crisis.[6]

Between 1949 and 1950, according to historian Benny Morris, Israel had displaced and expelled between 30,000 and 40,000 Palestinians and Bedouin.[7] Many villages along the ceasefire lines and the Lebanon border area were also leveled, many emptied villages were resettled by new Jewish immigrants and demobilized Israeli military forces.[8][9]

Israel argued this was motivated by security considerations linked with the situation at the borders. During the consolidation period, Israel was more intent on gaining control of the demilitarized zones on the Syrian, Jordanian and Egyptian fronts than on her image abroad.[10][11][12][13]


The United Nations General Assembly adopts resolution 194 (III), resolving that “refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible.” 

(December 11, 1948)

https://www.unrwa.org/content/resolution-194  -

From 1948 to 1966, martial law was officially imposed on the Arab minority in Israel, but continues to be intermittently enforced to this day. The military government, in effect, imposed various restrictions on Palestinians. Palestinians were required to apply for permits to travel from area to area, regardless of destination. Security checkpoints were set up to enforce these permits. Those who disobeyed these regulations

were jailed or fined. All petitions or requests for government services were directed to military courts instead of civil courts (Weil, 2007).


I am a little unclear about what the Palestinians – within Israel – citizens of Israel were supposed to do during the time period from 1948-1966?

They seemingly had “collective punishment” in a variety of ways.   To the present day Israel has no constitution guaranteeing All its citizens basic rights.   Palestinian Israeli citizens have no rights to basic things like:  housing renting or purchasing, equal employment opportunity – equal pay for equal work and much more.   They are not allowed to be in the Israeli military, which Jewish citizens (without religious exemption) are required to do.   Where Jewish citizens are exempted from military service, they do not lose basic rights.   Non-Jewish Israeli citizens lack some rights because they have Not served in the military.   There are some exceptions regarding military service such as from Druze citizens, but even they face discrimination in various areas.

Any Jewish resident of anywhere in the world is – by being Jewish – allowed to emigrate and become a citizen.  

It is unclear to me what Palestinian citizens of Israel are supposed to do?   They can’t gain rights through anything that they may do.

At the same time, Palestinian Israeli citizens are actively involved in working and living in Israel.

According to official figures from the Health Ministry and the Central Bureau of Statistics provided at the request of Haaretz, 17 percent of Israel's physicians, 24 percent of its nurses and 47 percent of its pharmacists are Arabs.Mar 17, 2020

(1st entry from Google search of February 6, 2024 – “percentage of Israeli pharmacists who are Palestinian”

I find information such as I have shared above – strongly supportive of – boycotts – as in BDS, condemnation.  I am reminded of racism in the United States and how South Africa ended Apartheid decades ago.

I suggest reading up on the subjects addressed above and much more.  Reading my reviews of two books is one potential starting point.

Stories of Personal Transformation: RECLAIMNG JUDAISM From ZIONISM, edited by Carolyn L Karcher has 40 stories of Jewish authors


Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics – Marc Lamont Hill and Mitchell Plitnick – discusses how “progressives” often are seemingly “open minded” and progressive in most, if not all areas, except related to the Palestinian People.


Part VII 




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