To I. - Who I do not Respect

You want(ed) me to respect you.   I do not respect you.

-I- I enjoyed the spirited discussion we had last night. It's good to be able to discuss things with a leftist without having it degenerate into a shouting match or denigration of my point of view.

-G- (not stated at the time) – I found the discussion troubling.   I initiated our discussion based upon you having spoken of wanting to make a video on Anti-Semitism.   You almost immediately quashed my hopes when you stated that white nationalists were a minor problem.   For you, Anti-Semitism relates primarily to people (such as myself) who criticize Israeli policy on the Palestinians.

I decided, against my better judgment, to continue our discussion, in the hope that I might find some common ground and/or some understanding of your beliefs that might lead me to see you positively at least in some ways.

You continued, talking about how immigrants were a major problem, because of their use of public services and similar.   I thought, though I didn’t say it, that you might well have a “trifecta” (e.g. 3 strikes) with me on major issues, believing that we men are oppressed by women.  (I hope I’m wrong about this!)

I do not consider myself a “leftist”, though my politics are certainly primarily liberal-radical.   You seem to see this powerful force of people, such as myself, who spout rhetoric consistently berating various causes you support.   (We never got into detail about causes here, besides you bringing up Donald Trump and Barack Obama.)

I do not recall any significant instance of what I would call “leftist power”, nor have I seen “leftist strength” in my lifetime.   When I was much younger there was SDS, but they lacked power.   Some might have seen The Black Panthers as “leftists”, but they lacked power.   Jimmy Carter was the closest I have experienced to a “leftist President”, but he was merely moderately liberal.
In general I have seen small numbers of leftists, who rarely were united with other leftists, and who wielded little or no power.  Generally, they didn’t have a lot of money, and they certainly lacked political influence.

-I- I too am frustrated with half of the country that are blinded with hate and will stoop to embarrassingly petty actions to try to stop a democratically elected president from implementing the goals he was elected to attain. Obama, who I consider to have been a divisive traitor who hated this country was never treated as harshly by the opposition, the media or the other half of the country that didn't vote for him.

-G- President Trump was elected with 3 million less popular votes than Hillary Clinton.   One may argue that because Clinton won California by 4 million popular votes, that “perhaps” Trump had a majority vote, considering that California may be an “aberration”.   Trump did win a majority of the electoral college votes.  

I fail to see a clear mandate for Trump.   I do see that Clinton alienated a lot of people and had a horrible election campaign. Trump got substantial votes from wealthy people who thought that they would profit from his economic perspectives.  Trump got a lot of votes from alienated white people (most significantly men), who felt and feel that they are left out of the agenda of the Democratic Party.   

Issues of concern to them may include:  support for gay/lesbian/trans people, concern for black people and other people of color, a feeling that they are not getting well-paying jobs that they deserve, as well as health insurance.    Strangely, a significant number of such people are strongly opposed to “Obamacare”, but they like: “The Affordable Care Act”.   They seemingly do not understand that they are the same thing.

I am mystified about your words about former President Obama.   I haven’t a clue what you mean by: “Obama, who I consider to have been a divisive traitor who hated this country…”

I witnessed a somewhat naïve individual who tried to work with Republicans, despite repeated efforts lead by Mitch McConnell, to fight against anything that he pushed for.   President Obama bent over backwards to avoid being seen as an “angry black man”.   He was highly deferential, and got little respect in return.

Obama’s big, somewhat successful effort was getting the Affordable Care Act passed.   It was based upon a Republican plan, championed by George Romney in Massachusetts.   It was and is a significant compromise.   If, this is “radical”, then nearly everything done by the federal government is radical.

Obama faced an impending economic collapse when he took office.   His efforts prevented a disaster.  He gave in to the major banking interests.   Despite the efforts of many, he did not pursue the prosecution of anyone in the banking industry.

These efforts were at best “middle-of-the-road” and more honestly “conservative” saving the American auto and banking industries.

I’m totally unclear as to what Obama did, that you consider “traitorous”  and/or which showed a hatred of the U.S”.   I can not argue against something that I am unaware of.

Obama was treated as an “uppity black man” by many Republicans.   I don’t know what he did that was offensive, besides being both black and a Democrat.    I saw little respect shown for him.

Donald Trump has been bitterly attacked from at least 2016 to the present.   I will not go into detail as to all the areas where he has been attacked.   He has lied repeatedly.  He has spoken with derision about women, Africans, Muslims and many others.   The Mueller investigation provided a lot of evidence related to possible wrong-doing.   He is being accused by a lot.  He is stonewalling in confronting the allegations.

I am most concerned about the actions of Donald Trump which could SEVERELY DAMAGE MY FAMILY.   Debating issues with you is one thing.   Survival issues for me are more important than your feelings.

My older step-child is transgender, identifying in some instances as both male and female, and at other times as neither male, nor female.  Severe depression is one symptom of this life.  This is not an easy way to live one’s life.  One does not “choose” to be living this kind of life.  

My wife is afraid every day that they (their preferred pronoun) will get killed as a black, gender-ambiguous individual.

Donald Trump consistently shows no support for or concern for gay, lesbian and bisexual people.   His efforts with the military are to eliminate all soldiers who are transsexual, in contrast to what higher-ups in the military have supported.

Donald Trump consistently shows sympathy for white nationalists, except when they kill others.   He belittles African people.  He belittles many others, who are not white.  

Donald Trump’s approach to “diversity” does not, in any way, discourage potential actions, including the killing, of people of color, as well as gay, lesbian and transgender people.  While he does not say: “kill”, his words tacitly encourage violence.

While driving our car, if I were to hit and kill a child, I would feel extreme guilt, remorse, sadness and more.   Regardless of whether I was “at fault”,  I would find it difficult to move forward in my life.

Donald Trump’s words, repeatedly, needlessly attack “the other”. He tacitly,  encourages violence.   He calls Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas”, a racist term.   His words related to sexual activities are highly offensive to women.

You can agree or disagree with much about Trump!   When a subsequent mass killer talks of the New Zealand killing as an inspiration, I listen.  When Trump talks of how “honorable” reactionary forces were in Charlottesville, I listen.   I have trouble believing that you can not hear the racism in what Trump says and doesn’t say.   You can’t be that stupid!

My step-child could get killed as a result of the words of Donald Trump.   My wife, as a black women, faces a “new reality”, where people can openly express their racist beliefs to her face, due solely to the words of Donald Trump.

My family (besides myself) are all strongly impacted by Donald Trump.  This goes well beyond simple feelings and opinions.   These impacts are concrete and highly real (for me).

-I- I just don't understand how seemingly intelligent people can hate this country so much, embrace our enemies, divide our country, support actions that hurt our country, and do violence to those who dare disagree with them. 

-G- I do not hate this country!   I do not embrace enemies of the U.S.!   The Palestinians are not my “enemies”.   I do not support violence against you or others who have your beliefs.   It is wrong when your Trump signs are desecrated.   It is, however, understandable to me, related to what Trump says and does and does not do.

Read in my writing: Giving, Taking and Privilege the paragraph beginning “My friend V…” – where I write specifically about an incident told to me related indirectly to Donald Trump.

I can not respect you because I can not see you simply as: “one of those stupid Trump supporters” who doesn’t “know better”.  You should be bright enough to know better.

You have strong views which I  consistently find “very wrong”.   I could accept some of this, IF your views weren’t clearly supportive of things which directly hurt my family.   My step-child’s possibility of being killed or seriously hurt isn’t something I can ignore, related to your beliefs.   The effects of racism on my wife, I can’t simply ignore. 

Trump is racist   Trump is a lot more that I can’t accept.   George W. Bush was someone I disliked, but had some respect for.  Trump is much, much worse!   He talks of helping people, while his policies only help the wealthy.   His hateful speech and lies and hypocrisy are not something that I can see reasonable people supporting.

You can, of course, write a response to this.   I will publish your response below my writing, if you respond, and will likely respond to your words.


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