Zionism vs. Anti-Zionism - Among Us Jews


Zionism vs. Anti-Zionism – Among Us Jews!   Fear – Trauma – Genocide – Holocaust - (Self-) Centering – Empathy – Community – Allyship – Co-Conspirators – (Toxic/Self-Centered) Christianity vs. Jesus (which one – white or Not) – Settler Colonialism – Social Justice – Systemic Change

Thinking of my Heart – in contrast to Intellect – Head Space has me now in a Space of Intense Anger and Grieving.

Rashida Tlaib (An Inspiration) + Georges (Bisharat and Marx) December, 2023

As I write now, I was born over 73 years ago!   What has happened – October 7, 2023 through today/tonight (and seemingly continuing onward for as far as I can see in the future) seems more Critically Important – than all that I’ve witnessed in my life – including:  Assassinations of: JFK (Kennedy), MLK (King, Jr.), RFK (Robert Kennedy), 9/11 (September 11, 2001).  

Perhaps the partially related rise of Fascism – courtesy of a lot of serious work (in my mind at least) dating at least back to the April 4, 1968 – Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. – coming from a lot of committed right-wing, racist, patriarchal, elitest/classist people – will have more impact – we will see!


We all have fears and trauma in our lives!   For some – who seemingly “fit in” – their fears and traumas at least on the surface seem less significant in their lives.   Such people may often indicate that they are: “not political” or are - “independent”.  My sense is that there is at least a correlation among such people – of either:

1.)  A relatively narrow focus in their lives – such as concerns limited to immediate/close family members, local narrowly centered geographic communities, a relatively “simple” spiritual/religious life (that doesn’t encourage questioning the status quo), and/or:

2.)  A deep focus – centering – upon – significant parts of popular culture(s) – such as a deep allegiance to men’s sports locally – as in a “Chicagoan” whose ties to The Chicago Bears, Bulls and either The Cubs or White Sox or one whose life seemingly centers upon one or a few – musical super-stars such as Taylor Swift or Elvis Presley.

I am focusing here upon those of us who are Jewish – particularly (the) “traditional” Jews of the United States who (now) are generally: Ashkenazi, white, upper-middle class if not upper-class, identifying as either “religious” or “culturally Jewish”.   There is a deep divide between those of who identify as being:

1.)  “Zionist”, including many who might not see such a word being a part, or a significant part, of their identity, and

2.)  “Anti-Zionists” – such as myself.

I would note that there are many Jews who are opposed to the current Israeli Government, but are clearly not Anti-Zionists.  They commonly separate the actions of Israel’s Prime Minister and his Cabinet from the leadership and focus of Israel prior to recent years.

Similarly, I would note that we are Not divided between being:

1.)  Intelligent Jews and

2.)  Not-as intelligent Jews.

A distant relative of mine who died recently was incredibly intelligent, obviously, and was Zionist.   He graduated from probably the most prestigious U.S. university, went to a major medical school, and was a successful physician.   Anti-Zionist Jews include similarly intelligent individuals. 

The realities that separate us as Jews seemingly focus most clearly on issues deeply related to “The Holocaust” and how it impacts us.   Central to this are:

1.    The rise and leadership of Adolf Hitler,

2.    World War II – focused/focusing  upon Germany (not Japan and not as much upon Italy),

3.    Concentration Camps – and those killed and surviving them.

Where we are not – Anti-Zionists – The Holocaust – creates a clear “binary” that is deeply important.   Being Jewish and what happened separates us – deeply – from non-Jews.   “Never Again” – means that we as Jews must never allow ourselves to be “The Victims”.

In saying this I want to emphasize the seeming – uniqueness - that is key to this.   Much less focus is placed upon others who were killed (deliberately) in the Concentration Camps such as .   Oft times – the word: “Holocaust” – is seemingly – singular as in: “The Holocaust”.

As the Jews were the main targets of Nazi genocide, the victims of the killing centers were overwhelmingly Jewish. In the hundreds of forced-labor and concentration camps not equipped with gassing facilities, however, other individuals from a broad range of backgrounds could also be found. … Political prisoners, such as Communists, Socialists, and trade unionists wore red triangles. Common criminals wore green. Roma View This Term in the Glossary (Gypsies) and others the Germans considered "asocial" or "shiftless" wore black triangles. Jehovah's Witnesses wore purple ones. And gay men and men imprisoned for homosexuality had to wear pink triangles.


One estimate of the victims of Germany in the Holocaust and “crimes against humanity” from 1933-1945 – not limited to Concentration Camps estimated:

1.    6 million Jews

2.    5.7 million Soviet civilians

3.    2.95 million Soviet prisoners of war

4.    1.8 million non-Jewish Poles

5.    375,000 Roma (Gypsies)

6.    312,000 Serbian civilians

7.    250,000 disabled persons


Anyone interested in the genocide of the Roma People – which included/includes oppression starting well before 1933, as well as at least deeply into the late 20th Century, well beyond 1945 might look at the writing at:


As Jews in the United States, most of us have faced, and are aware of Anti-Semitism.  How we view Anti-Semitism can vary greatly!   The words:

From the River to the Sea”


“Palestine will be Free” may be seen as deeply Anti-Semitic or Not.

I believe that how we experience our traumas and fears deeply impact the divide which I see between many of us Jews!   A lot of us grew up in households and related to Jewish communities locally and beyond that were tacitly or explicitly Zionist.  

I arrived initially in Haifa (from Naples, Italy) in April, 1963 (a month before my 12th birthday) on a Zim (Israeli) boat.    My father was born in Berlin and  emigrated to Cincinnati at age nine in 1927.   He was excited to see many, many relatives he had last seen in Germany as a child.    My other grandfather in NYC had purchased inexpensive bonds in The Israel Development Bank for both my brother Daniel and myself.

My brother and I grew up learning of the heroic Jews who had amazingly won a war against the invading armies of: Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon.   Leon Uris novels such as: Exodus were important to me as I became a young teenager.

The traumas that I have faced in my life related to being Jewish include: 

1.    Growing up in a Very Christian town – West Lafayette, Indiana where Christmas and the predominant mixture of religion and “culture” felt like I didn’t belong as a Jew,

2.    Some Anti-Semitism, though I don’t remember it deeply impacting me as other Jews have experienced, and

3.    The Holocaust.

I would argue that bodily – historically – as a Jew, I also have/had historical trauma related to the horrible Anti-Semitism that my Jewish ancestors faced both in Germany on my father’s side, and Russia and Poland on my mother’s side.  This went on for close to 2000 years.

I believe that when we don’t work through our traumas as Jews, including the historical trauma that goes back far before The Holocaust, we carry fears, deep seated fears.  

Noura Erakat + George Marx - Berkeley - February, 2024



Presume that 40,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since October 6th, 2023.   Roughly 1100-1200 Jews were killed through the Hamas attack of October 7, 2023.  Israel’s Jewish population is over seven million people.  Gaza’s population is roughly two million people.   40,000 Palestinians vs. the equivalent of perhaps 1200 divided by at least 3 = 400 Palestinians.   (This omits Jewish deaths since October 7th, which might change this equivalency to perhaps 600 or so.)   The United States has 165 times as many people as Gaza has.   40,000 Palestinian deaths is the proportionate equivalent of 6,600,000 Americans.   U.S. casualties in World War II were slightly more than 400,000 or well less than 10% of the Gazan casualties – proportionately.

Hamas – is feared by many of us Jews!   It seems apparent that “destroying Hamas” has seemingly failed so far.   Both the Israeli and U.S. Governments are Not speaking of this succeeding for the foreseeable future.    We, as Jews, want to no longer feel afraid that we will be killed because we are Jews, in Israel, and beyond.

Hamas and how we look at it is a word and entity that deeply divides us as Jews!

Hamas is seen as clearly a Genocidal Force who wish to either kill all the Jews of Israel or to force them out of Israel.

Hamas is also seen by Anti-Zionist Jews very differently.   For some it is a “necessary evil”.   For some it is an “obvious outcome” of a variety of visions as to how far back we choose to look.   For all Anti-Zionist Jews Hamas is a force/government/entity that we need to talk with, negotiate with, and try to work with.

For Anti-Zionist Jews the fears that many Jews and others have of Hamas are worsening and will continue to worsen unless a lasting Just Peace is negotiated.   There are disagreements among Anti-Zionist Jews as to whether and what a Just Peace can and should be.

Relatively few Anti-Zionist Jews believe that the killing of Palestinians and the survival of the remaining hostages will occur unless The United States says: “NO” to Israel’s leaderships continuing war effort.   Most of us don’t believe that it is a “war” at all.   A war requires a “win” + a “loss” or a “stalemate” (e.g. Korean War).   A war doesn’t include an army with nuclear weapons and an air force vs. essentially a “guerrilla” force.

I don’t agree with use of the word: “terrorist” as in: “Hamas is a terrorist organization”.   I might agree with such a wording, if it was stated that: “Hamas has become a terrorist organization in reaction/response to the terrorist state of Israel’s terrorism which began in 1948 with its establishment”  though I think that if we really want to look at “the issues” related to the “terrorism” is goes back at least to Theodor Hertzl.   I speak of this, noting that Hertzl spoke of a “Jewish State” in Palestine, negating the rights of the native Palestinian People. 

The Balfour Declaration of 1917 related directly to Anti-Semitism.  The British Elites in 1917, during (The) World War (I), wanted to have Jews leave Britain.  They didn’t want Jews to threaten their power.   Other European countries wanted the Jews to leave their countries and NOT be in Europe.   This wasn’t Hitler talking (yet)!

In March 1919,on the eve of the post World War I Paris Peace Conference, ‘Julius Kahn, the German-born Jewish congressman from San Francisco, delivered to President Wilson “A Statement to the Peace Conference” endorsed by 299 Jews.  …[T]he document denounced the Zionists for attempting to segregate Jews and to reverse the historical trend toward emancipation.’  Its signers ‘objected to the creation of a distinctly Jewish state in Palestine’ not only because they feared it would jeopardize the status of Jews like themselves in the home countries, but because they found it ‘contrary “to the principles of democracy’ to elevate Jewish immigrants over Palestine’s Muslim and Christian native inhabitants.  They explicitly denied ‘the existence of ethnic ties among Jews’ and ‘asserted their wish not to see Palestine “either now or at any time in the future’ become a Jewish state.’  They petitioned instead for Palestine to be ‘made into an independent , free, and democratic state that would not recognize any distinctions of creed, race, or ethnic descent among its citizens.’ “ (18) (p. xii)

Stories of Personal Transformation: RECLAIMNG JUDAISM From ZIONISM, edited by Carolyn L Karcher

I find the words above from 1919 – highly, highly significant and – On Target -

The Holocaust seemingly changed things, confirming the fears of many Jews.  Beginning with the end of World War II also served as a real attempt by the governments of European Powers and the United States to seemingly atone for what they had NOT done between 1933 and 1945.  They were

dealing with the obvious fact, that they’d NOT confronted Hitler and the Germans in both in preventing the Holocaust, and the extent of it.  No European countries welcomed Jews or more than tokenly escape to their countries, protecting them against the Germans.

-        -

The Palestinian People have been minimized and/or ignored all the way back to the Zionism’s beginnings in the late 1800’s.    Occasionally there has been honesty from Jewish leaders including even David Ben Gurion.   More commonly, the myths have pervaded such as: 

1. There are many Arab countries, so the Palestinian People can join them (and leave Palestine) or

2. We are/were increasing the standard of living of the Palestinian People so they will or should welcome us, and most recently

3. We are affirming of gay/lesbian/trans rights, so we are accepting people, in contrast to Arab leaders.   

A significant number of Palestinian People were attacked and forced out of their villages starting in 1947.  This was well prior to May 15, 1948, when Israel declared its independence and outside armies attacked the Jewish forces.   

The Jewish population in Palestine grew rapidly after Hitler’s rise to power in 1933.   Much of my father’s family, privileged German Jews, left Germany, emigrating to Palestine in 1933 itself after Hitler came to power.  

It is unclear how the Palestinian People were responsible for what transpired in Europe?   Prior to then, Palestine’s Jewish population was only 15%, a relatively small part of the country.  

All “offers” of a supposed Palestinian State after World War II proposed giving a minority of the land to the Palestinian People, who were a significant majority of the population.

The myths about the War, once the Arab armies invaded are further distortions of reality.   Jordan had by far the best trained army.  Jordan’s leadership (royalty) explicitly sought to rule over the Palestinian People as an expanded part of Jordan.   Jordan sought to control the Moslem Holy Areas of the Old City within Jerusalem.   Jordan’s leadership and Army (trained by the British) were clear in not seeking to defeat Israel beyond the limited territory that it sought (The West Bank and East Jerusalem).  To this day the leadership of Jordan is Not Palestinian, while a majority of its people are Palestinian.  

As an Anti-Zionist Jew, I firmly believe that the lives of individuals are important, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or nationality.   A Jewish Israeli is no more important than a Palestinian person!    It is racist to value Jewa, and particularly “white” Jews, over non-Jews, often people who are not “white”.

Within Israel the media obviously does not portray an “equal focused” picture of the killings and treatment of Palestinian People by Jewish Israelis, in contrast to the killing of Jews by Palestinian People.

Within the United States we also get a strongly disproportionate picture of the Palestinian People.    Sources like: Democracy Now, with Amy Goodman, and The Electronic Intifada are heard by relatively few of us Jews.   The “experts” that we hear are rarely:  Rashid Khalidi or Ilan Pappe or Peter Beinart or John Mearsheimer.  

I would challenge doubters to look at the background experience and sources of knowledge of virtually all, if not all of the advisors of President Biden.   Republican sources even worse.

It is certainly fine to presume that there is: “Arab Propaganda” and similar.   What is NOT okay, is to minimize how we are inundated with pressure from sources including The Israeli Government.   John Hagee and his Christian Coalition are awaiting the return of Jesus, when all the Jews will then be killed, unless they have fully accepted Jesus as their Savior.   They and the Christian Right, are the strongest Zionists.    AIPAC and wealthy Jewish and non- Jewish donors support the military weaponry from US defense contractors which are given directly to Israel.

The tragic and horrible reality is that the fears of many of us Jews, both within Israel, as well as in the United States, and elsewhere of – Genocide – the mass killing of Jewish People – grow larger and larger and larger – as the killing of Gazans, and West Bank Palestinians, and even of Palestinian Israeli Citizens continue!    

October 7, 2023 – forever changed things!   Whatever safety Israel’s Jews felt was shattered – probably forever (absent a lasting, Just Peace Settlement).   Until October 7th, there was a feeling that Israel’s Government could protect the Jews.

Despite the lack of an Air Force, the lack of military strength, Hamas has NOT been “beaten” and is unlikely to be defeated.   It is a guerilla force – a political and military force – supported in general by a minority of Palestinians both in Gaza and beyond Gaza.

I’d recommend several excellent sources on the current situation (among others) of:

Rashid Khalidi’s lengthy recent writing at:


as well as a book from a few years ago he recommended to me (I emailed him requesting suggestions) – my review of which is at:

https://www.georgemarx.org/2024/02/hamas-contained-tareq-baconis-excellent.html  in which Tareq Baconi provides a detailed analysis of Hamas.  In the latter one can easily read in – a prediction – which one can now see makes October 7th, most understandable.


Fear and military solutions to that fear – will not result in a lessoning and resolution of the deep trauma – that many of us Jews have!

A lasting, just peace is the only way to lesson our fears!   

It is of course scary to think deeply of “peace” – and an end to The Wars – where:

There is either a single – Palestinian/Israeli State or a “two state solution” (or a confederation or third option).   There are always risks in seeking change.   The bigger risks – I see – are that Israel will become “no longer strategic” to The United States, as oil in the Middle East runs out (probably beyond my lifetime).

The United States – can and should say:


most empathically, including NO U.S. aid whatsoever, unless there is an immediate, lasting Ceasefire in Gaza, and clear efforts of the United States to force Israel to recognize the rights of the Palestinian People – through a multiplicity of Palestinian Voices.   Hamas – “the enemy” – must be negotiated with!   One can not seek peace, absent Hamas.   There are plenty of other Palestinian Voices who will seek to speak for the Palestinian People, as we move forward.

Madison, Wisconsin, USA

It won’t be easy!

As Jews, we Anti-Zionists, have a lot of work to do!   We listen to other Jews, hear their fears, their hatred, their anger, while also working on our own fears, and anger, and where we have it our own hatred.  

Jews and Palestinians Protesting Together

Centering ourself on our common humanity we become co-conspirators – putting ourselves – including our bodies – risking our lives and general safety at times seeking to end the ongoing Genocide and working for a Just Peace.   We are “conspiring” in supporting Palestinians, Muslims, the People (but not the Governments almost always) of the Middle East.   It is tricky, dealing with supporting the People of Iran, as well as Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Turkey!

Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken and Donald Trump are NOT our “Enemies”!   Genocide Joe – in my eyes “should” know better, but doesn’t!  

India – is a country that we should be deeply concerned about – in collaboration with Israel and The United States!

The India and Israel alliance has been described as a full-blown romance, but the ongoing siege of Kashmir makes this a bloody affair – covert for years.

India has bought arms from Israel since the 1960s. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is to visit Israel in 2017, marking the 25th anniversary of full diplomatic relations.

The two nations are passionate about their brutal occupations of Kashmir and Palestine. India is one of Israel’s biggest arms exports clients, spending about $10bn over the past decade. Indian

police forces have been receiving training in Israel for “anti-terror” operations, which Israeli conducts against Palestinians.

August 28, 2016 - https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2016/8/24/kashmir-and-palestine-the-story-of-two-occupations

We, as Jews, and as Human Beings, can do a lot (more)!   We can learn more, we can listen more, and we can become more active in our political work!

Many others such as Peter Beinart and Jewish Currents  and The Electronic Intifada and Jewish Voice for Peace are excellent places to ally ourselves and help us in our sustained efforts (for me lifetime I anticipate).

My writings and reviews are accessible at:


Amazing Interview !!: 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMJJiZlXOi0 - Avi Shlaim


that Rashaid Tlaib, a Palestinian-American woman, the only Palestinian-American in the United States Congress should be in a sense "force" to "stand up for her people" - and face THE primary individual - perpetrating the GENOCIDE in Gaza - and that The United States Congress - invited this horrific Israeli individual, to speak - uncensored, to lie and distort - what he is leading, seeking in a significant way to continue the Genocide to keep himself - "in power" and through that out of JAIL - due to crimes he's committed under ISRAELI Law.









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