Honor the Martyrs - Free Palestine

 Honor the Martyrs - Free Palestine - Berkeley - July 17, 2024

It was deeply moving being with perhaps 100 or more fellow Caring People in Berkeley, California last evening!   The Vigil - before it got dark was a spiritual - unifying experience, challenging each of us individually and collectively to Unite among both our similarities and differences.

The Genocide is accelerating!   It has been accelerating more and more in the many months since October 7th!    We who were there listened, cried, pondered, and stretched in our Community of this Moment with Deep Sadness, Anger, and Hope!

Our Facilitator spoke and then introduced his three daughters, each Unique and Powerful in their Youth!    This Family - losing their Own Family in Gaza and perhaps Beyond, while helping us Move Ahead in our Long Effort for Justice - and a Lasting, Just Peace!

Mama Ganuush spoke in Their own Powerful Way - struggling at times as they were Triggered - in part through seeing the Pictures of the Few There - Few of Many who have Needlessly Died over 76 Years - and More - the Recent Martyrs - the latest of an Ongoing Story - a Horrific Story that I, as a Jew, couldn't and Can't Feel in the same Ways - as it doesn't Permeate my Soul - not being Palestinian, Nor BIPOC, nor Muslim nor a Child, nor ....

I'm still Human and I still care!

I moved my sitting spot (as others mostly stood) near Z — a fellow Jewish Anti-Zionist Ancestor Cohort Ally — wanting to not feel quite as Alone, in those Moments. This Helped me cry and feel more deeply, feeling our Deep Ties to the “Others” who were around us and who are With Us in such moments.

J — another precious Jewish Ally, Z and I hugged — after the formal conclusion later — She/They — had invited us Monday Evening — and we were all appreciative of being there.

Multiple speakers shed their prepared words, moving with their Intense Feelings of the Moment!    Others Struggled with their Prepared Words.

It was Moving hearing a Community Member sharing her reaching out to her Neighbors, to Share What she has, not Forgetting the Genocide, but Rather Building up Our Community from Within it in a most Meaningful Way.

One speaker spoke of how the 48,000 - or similar Figure of Current Martyrs  -  is probably more like a 192,000 Estimate, and that is ignoring the Starving, Deeply Hurting Relatives - literally and figuratively of some Among Us, if not All of Us!

I would note that given that there are roughly 165 times as many people in the U.S. as were recently living in the already oppressive conditions in Gaza - that 192,000 Deaths would translate in the current U.S. to 31,680,000 People!     This would total 79 times the U.S. World War II Casualties and five times the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust and even five or six times the number of Germans killed in opposing the Allies in that horrible War!

Speaking of Numbers - takes away from the Deep Emotional Impact of the Genocide!   It is Babies, Young Children, Entire Families Wiped off the Map.

WE still have our Humanity!    The Palestinian People are NOT seeking the Destruction of those of us who are Jewish, Israeli or Not!   The Palestinian People are Seeking an end to the Minimalization of their Core Being!   They are asking us to No Longer Treat them like they aren't even Human Beings, yet alone Equal Partners in this World!

The Martyrs are not and will not be Forgotten!   Our Work is Just Beginning for some of us.   For Others is Continues as it has All their Lives!

It was fitting that the last speaker - almost not getting her chance to speak was a young girl of perhaps 10 or 11 I would guess.   She spoke of having been afraid - and that now she knew that she needed to Speak Out Publicly Here Tonight (last night)!   An elder - a Caring Man - spoke of how being Afraid is Part of our Core Being and that is Heroic (not his word) in doing her Part here and now!

It was deeply Moving!   It was and is Important!   Palestine will be Free!    It is a Question of When, not IF!   We ARE working Together - as we grieve together and as we share our Grief, Anger and Much, Much More!   Tears - are Necessary (for me and a lot of us, if not all of us).

I don't know the Arabic Words!   I do know a Little - and am Learning More!   You - are also Important!   You Care!


A day or two before the Vigil I was in the Barnes and Noble store in El Cerrito, California.   They happened to be having a 25% off Everything sale.   I bought the single copy of Esther Armah's amazing book Emotional Justice  
https://www.georgemarx.org/2024/06/emotional-justice-esther-armah-amazing.html ) and ordered three more copies of the book.   I will give them away to friends and allies - so they can learn from her incredible Spiritual - Body Felt - Heart Based Knowledge.

Seeing a middle-aged white man wearing a Yarmulke (Kippah) I engaged him in conversation.   He took great offense at my Pro-Palestinian shirt, stating that I was calling for the killing of all of us Jews.   Later in the check-out line, his wife, daughter and he bought perhaps 20-30 (discounted) books.   He told me that he's a Professor of Judaica Studies at The University of California (Berkeley).   This man was quite clear about his breadth of knowledge about important things (like Israel).

We really need less "Intelligent" People and more "intelligent people"!   The former have read a lot of books.   The books add to their certainties (as well as naturally their Fears) about the "Others".

I try to listen to the Voices not only of those I agree with and deeply respect, but also the messages of those not in alignment, or fully in alignment, with me.   

Through listening - through having deep Curiosity - I grow (or at least try to grow) through my Heart.   It helps build my head - my brain (also), but it isn't focused - narrowly.

I was fortunate in one important way as a child!   While my father, a mathematics professor who died at the age of 46, was totally focused upon "brain learning", not being aware of "emotional learning", he also helped teach me both to be curious, as well as to have a deep commitment to Social Justice.   We walked as a family around the County Courthouse Square in Lafayette, Indiana in the Summer of either 1961, or 1962.   We were protesting some type of horrific violence against Black People in Mississippi probably.

I've had the Gift - so far - of living to (currently) be 27 years older than my Father was when he died.    

Caring - Deeply Caring - and respecting those - such as this man - who I strongly disagree with is very Important to me!   

I don't know THE Truth!   I'm slowly learning - from those - who gift me with their lived experiences!   Meeting Esther Armah in Tulsa last March, and hearing the Voices of July 17, 2024 - was and is Important for me.

I Care Deeply - about the Survival of both fellow Jewish People, and those who are NOT Jewish - including the Palestinian People!   Meeting and listening to their hearts exposed in person when possible, helps me Grow!

It has Deep Meaning - in the Tears and Grief and Anger!    The Genocide I've Experienced and am Experiencing over the past many Months - has Moved Me - away from whatever denial and avoidance I may have had!

I Care and I know that You (also) Do!


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