Jazz Fest - New Orleans - April 28 - May 7, 2023


(Also see:  LIZZO WOW   - https://www.georgemarx.org/2023/04/lizzo-wow.html)

APRIL 28, 2023

Wanda Rouzan with New Orleans Classic Recording Revue

Paul Sanchez and the Rolling Road Show

Paul Sanchez and the Rolling Road Revue

APRIL 29, 2023

Sweet Crude

Sweet Crude

Samantha Fish

Ed Sheeran

Elton Dodger (member of crowd)


A Wonderful Surprise!



Buddy Guy, born July 30, 1936, is on what he states is his final tour.   He looks much more frail than when I last saw him several years ago.   Knowing that this was probably the last time I would see him, I cried.  I first saw him at the 2nd Ann Arbor Blues Festival in 1970.


Leon Bridges - is Very Special!


Marcia Ball 
 (her 45th Fest)



Sue Foley - AMAZING!


Irma Thomas
- wonderful as always at age 82!


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