XII - Much Better - What Do The Words: "Merry Christmas" Mean (to me)
What Do The Words: “Merry Christmas!” Mean (to
I am Jewish.
Christmastime was difficult for me as a child, growing up in West
Lafayette, Indiana.
I was emotionally isolated and a loner. During the Christmas season Christianity
felt particularly intrusive or “dominant” to me. Our celebration of Chanukah had little effect
on my feelings of not belonging with my classmates at Morton School.
I didn’t relate to Christmas trees, Christmas carols,
the importance of the holiday, nor the commercial aspect of it – as it was 60
years ago.
Later on, I
remember staying in a hostel in Zurich, Switzerland (perhaps in 1972), and
going to a Midnight church service as Christmas began. With my limited German, I understood more
than those I went with who didn’t know German at all. It was beautiful and relaxing!
Later on, circa 1996 – I joined the “Christmas Party
Committee” - which at my request was
changed to the “Holiday Committee”. I
asked that the music be basically “non-religious” – limited to songs like “Jingle
Bells” and was told by the committee head, a supervisor, that it was important
to him that songs like “Holy Night” be a part of the celebration, so he would
feel “at home” there. He suggested that
we add a Chanukah song to make it relevant to me.
Today – some might see an “equity” issue there. I dropped off the committee, discouraged by
how it seemed that “compromise” was totally one-sided. A “token song” – was worse – to me then, than
no Jewish related songs.
Christmas caroling – nearly always seemed little
different than seeing – people going door-to-door to seemingly try to convert
me to their Christianity.
It is amazing to hear some speak of the “obvious
truths” – of Christianity and/or that we are a “Christian Nation” – where crosses
and other signs of Christianity are totally appropriate in public.
I would Not feel better if, for example, there was a
50 foot high Menorah, along with a 10 foot high Christmas tree! Naively, I like to think that we should be a
“secular state” which honors multiple traditions, as well as supporting those
who may have no religion.
Learning of Paganism, learning of how women were
oppressed as “witches”, and discussing the sexism of multiple religions and how
religion is used as a weapon against Black and LatinX People and whiteness is “normalized”
– seems most appropriate!
Discussing the commercialism of Christmas and serious
who Jesus really was – as a radical who almost certainly was not light skinned –
or “white” and how Christian Hegemony is equally important to me!
For those who do not want to “Politicize” Christmas, I
respectfully suggest that we decommercialize it and bring it more back to its
real roots, as well as openly acknowledging that it is “Christian” and therefore
not necessarily comfortable or relevant for some who are not Christian.
When you say “Merry Christmas” to me I can have
multiple reactions!
If you are Jewish, I’m particularly perturbed!
I wonder – though – why you presume that I am
Christian or that Christmas is not a “Christian” holiday. The fact that it is taken as being
universal, is not different from being: “white”, “male”, “het”, “neuro-typical”,
a native of the United States, cisgendered, upper-middle class or similar –
being presumed about all of us – as being “the normal identity”.
I need to catch myself presuming that many I see
identify as being “women” or “female” or “she” – while that may not be how they
see themselves.
I try to respect others! I try not to presume I know “who” others identify
with. I do slip up!
I hope – that you will be curious – about who I
am! Me being Jewish is a part of my identity
but it is far from all that I am.
Presuming that I am “white” will be correct, but my light skin doesn’t
mean that. Jews vary
from being very light to very dark-skinned.
Plenty of dark-skinned Jews go back many, many generations being Jewish!
Jews – from Asia and Africa and the Middle East were primarily BIPOC, not
white people!
Being Jewish does not mean that I am supportive of
“In March 1919,on the eve of the post World War I Paris Peace
Conference, ‘Julius Kahn, the German-born Jewish congressman from San
Francisco, delivered to President Wilson “A Statement to the Peace Conference”
endorsed by 299 Jews. …[T]he document denounced the Zionists for
attempting to segregate Jews and to reverse the historical trend toward
emancipation.’ Its signers ‘objected to the creation of a distinctly
Jewish state in Palestine’ not only because they feared it would jeopardize the
status of Jews like themselves in the home countries, but because they found it
‘contrary “to the principles of democracy’ to elevate Jewish immigrants over
Palestine’s Muslim and Christian native inhabitants. They explicitly
denied ‘the existence of ethnic ties among Jews’ and ‘asserted their wish not
to see Palestine “either now or at any time in the future’ become a Jewish
state.’ They petitioned instead for Palestine to be ‘made into an
independent , free, and democratic state that would not recognize any distinctions
of creed, race, or ethnic descent among its citizens.’ “ (18) (p. xii)
- Stories of Personal Transformation: RECLAIMNG JUDAISM From
ZIONISM, edited by Carolyn L Karcher.
Those were perceptive,
amazing words, particularly coming from 1919!!! If they had been heard and honored – the Christian
(Palestinian) population would not be dropping significantly year, by year,
while Pastor John Hagee (see: https://www.jhm.org/) would not be the most
powerful “Zionist”. It is ironic – that (with
Israeli Government Support) – if Hagee’s vision comes true – Jesus will come
back in the future – and all of us – who are NOT – true believers will face the
left behind in the rapture will face a quickly changing world—and the change
will not be for the better. Second Thessalonians 2:11 says that the “power of lawlessness” is
currently being held in check by the Holy Spirit. At the rapture, the true
church is removed from the earth, and the Holy Spirit’s restraint will be
“taken out of the way.” At that moment, the world will have no born-again
believers anywhere. All the Christian workers in hospitals, nursing homes,
orphanages, rescue missions, relief agencies—gone. Every Christian in law
enforcement, social work, and health care—gone. And of course many churches
will sit empty. In addition to the great void in the service community will be
the commencement of God’s judgment on a rebellious world, detailed in Revelation 6—16.
Don’t be left behind. Make sure you are ready for
the rapture. Since the rapture is for believers, it is vital that you place
your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior (Acts 16:31). Repent of your sin and fully trust in Jesus
alone as the payment for your sin. Believe in Him, and you will not perish (John 3:16). The Lord knows who are His, and He will leave
none of them behind (John 10:14).
Those who are saved by faith in Christ will not be
left behind in the rapture. The saved are like the five wise virgins in Jesus’ parable who are ready for the coming of the
bridegroom; they have their lamps trimmed and burning and full of oil—a symbol
of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 25:1–13). To make sure that you are not left behind,
trust Christ. Today is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2). Do not delay another moment. The matter is
urgent. Trust Christ now.”
I will be left behind! When you say: “Merry Christmas” – to me,
I may not run to these things in my spirit and head, but I don’t feel connected
to you. I don’t doubt your
sincerity! I don’t doubt your intent!
I do, though, often feel not really heard or
accepted – as “me”! I don’t ask
that you agree with me! I appreciate
your respecting how we are, or may be different – related to – your Christianity
or your tacit support of it! Thanks!
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