Nakba Day and Abortion Rights (Day) - Meaningful Days in Succession
The words are so, so true! I am sad, I am angry! The silence of so many today is criminal!
I am an outsider, as a white, Jewish man! It is most important that I am here - amongst the Palestinian-American People - who are much more directly impacted by the Crimes of our country - in supporting Apartheid - Murder - No Respect!
Young children - speaking the words of their people. Old People - many in-between. They are here because their lives and the lives of their people really matter, really matter!
Lesley Williams of Jewish Voice for Peace - Chicago (and National) - speaking passionately and getting a warm response. We are welcomed and respected!
Lesley - left us - a few minutes later. Her daughter has Covid - she just found out - while with us.
The Muslim leader - speaking caring, loving, important activist words!
One Day Earlier
Also Vitally Important Message
Abortion - is Healthcare
We Men CAN NOT Stop It - We Must Support the Women,
The Trans and Non-Gender Binary People - The Queer Folks
My weekend was most meaningful! One year ago - I marched for Palestinian Rights in Raleigh, NC. Saturday - a most important - Abortion Rights March in Chicago.
I was happy that close to 20% of attendees were men! I'd guessed it would be 5-10%. I handed out somewhere between 75-100 slips of paper to men there - inviting them to join us May 18th - and onward within - MERJ - Men for Equity and Reproductive Justice - at: (live starting Wednesday). We men - are so, so late - but it is good we are starting to get organized.
It was and is important work - particularly for us men - in my case as a white man!
Today - Sunday was Nakba Day - a day of sadness - anger - and hope! Seeing - today - was meaningful - reminding me of an earlier day: see: - but much more importantly - the incredible love and welcome I felt - amongst 300+ (often) religious, Palestinian-American Muslims - hearing Professor Marc Lamont Hill speak so passionately - see:
as well as - an important play - Rachel Corrie:
I feel shame - for what is done in my name as a Jew - I try to speak up to the false words, the false narrative.
It is so meaningful to see the Palestinian-American People - speaking not out of hatred - out of anger, yes - justifiable anger.
They are caring people - with warm hearts! I wish - we could say the same about ourselves!
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