Promising Young Woman

 Promising Young Woman is a movie that touched me in a way that I've never been touched before!!!!

It will greatly upset any viewers who really care about women and rape!

It exposes the lies, deceit and avoidance that we men often live with remaining silent.   

We try to protect ourselves from horrible things that we have done in the past.   

We try to protect both other men, and ourselves, from horrible things ,that one or more of us  did in the past.

Emerald Fennell is an insightful, brilliant, caring woman!   She wrote, produced, and directed this amazing film!    

As a man who helped co-found Men Stopping Rape, Inc - in 1983, I have cared about the issue of rape for a long time!

This movie explicitly exposes the horrors of our abuse and more!   Our silence indicts us!

Trigger Warning: This movie can easily trigger survivors and perhaps some others who care!


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