are an incredible people
Facing oppressions -
Not of their Choosing
Not Deserved
by their supposed allies
Killed, injured and tortured
in the name
That which they did not create
They are not responsible for Hitler
Some have killed - true
So many have persisted
in Peaceful Struggle
So Much Hatred
So Much Hurt
I can not imagine
Carrying Love
In their Hearts
as so many continue to Do
After all that they have Faced
and Continue to Face
I am ashamed,
as a Jewish, White Man
for What is Done
in My Name
I hope
for a Better World
for a Lasting Peace
That is Possible
But is Prevented
NOT - by: Two opposing Sides
But Rather
By "my people" -
sic though it is.
I am sorry!
are an incredible people
Facing oppressions -
Not of their Choosing
Not Deserved
by their supposed allies
Killed, injured and tortured
in the name
That which they did not create
They are not responsible for Hitler
Some have killed - true
So many have persisted
in Peaceful Struggle
So Much Hatred
So Much Hurt
I can not imagine
Carrying Love
In their Hearts
as so many continue to Do
After all that they have Faced
and Continue to Face
I am ashamed,
as a Jewish, White Man
for What is Done
in My Name
I hope
for a Better World
for a Lasting Peace
That is Possible
But is Prevented
NOT - by: Two opposing Sides
But Rather
By "my people" -
sic though it is.
I am sorry!
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