Tales of Tails

There's torture and there's Real torture!  It's rough!

Coincidences abound.   The young lady across the room has a Madison Marathon shirt on.   I ask her about it and she tells me of running the half marathon.  She is a recent graduate of The University of Wisconsin, Madison.   So where did she grow up?    Ann Arbor, the place of my birth.

A gorgeous way to start the day in my world

Zoey, so Cute!

Two days ago, Zoey and I are walking by the lake along Loyola University's campus.  I can see it coming.   A student is putting up her rainbow colored hammock for a nice morning in the sun.  Zoey shies away from it;  too frightening!   Other tough ones for her;  people (besides me) coming towards us with umbrellas;   shopping carts and other carts.

From our roof - a little blown up - but incredible view


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