Good Resources on Racism and Israel-Palestine
Time to Break the Silence on Palestine - by Michelle Alexander - an excellent editorial on the Palestinians related to Israel. It has resulted in totally false accusations that the author is Anti-Semitic - most likely because she supports BDS (Boycott Divestment and Sanctions).
Professor Marc Lamont Hill UN Speech - an excellent (YouTube) speech on Palestinians. Professor Hill was fired from CNN and accused of Anti-Semitism primarily because he supports BDS (similar to Michelle Alexander, he is Black)
Jewish Voice for Peace - Resources - the strongest U.S. group - which I am a member of
Birthright Israel - my writing on the organization which recruits young Jews to "give" them free trips to Israel where they are fed massive propaganda supporting Israeli government policies under the guise that it is totally apolitical and unbiased.
I would like to share some resources which I have found useful. PLEASE - respond with your own suggestions (and give opinions on any listed resources) - All the books I have taken out of the Chicago Public Library
**** White Fragility - Robin DiAngelo - book and: YouTube Video (incredibly good!! - will be shared at our first meeting as we watch it together) -*** So You Want to Talk About Race - Ijeoma Oluo - GREAT book for a start in this area
** White Like Her: My Family's Story of Race and Racial Passing - Gail Lukasik - the story of a woman finding out that her mother has "passed" as white for many years - very, very good!
* The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness
---- Blog Writings - from my blog: (georges world on the water) ----
* Can Black People Be Racist? -* Can I Believe - Regarding White Fragility - - Irony galore - a poem - I brought up "White Fragility" at a gathering I organized where three other (white) members of my high school class - responded to my suggestion that they see the video "White Fragility" - very disheartening (proving some of the points Robin DiAngelo made in the video)
---- M O V I E S ----
***** The Hate U Give - I don't like to say one "must" see a movie, however this is a movie - that ALL - white people, who profess to care about racism issues at all - should definitely see! The movie is intense, sad, deep and also uplifting - wonderful - shows how black and white people often see things very differently
Green Book - Oscar winner - has been justly criticized, but is still helpful for white people, particularly
HELP - There are a LOT - of Good Movies - that should be added here!
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