I Feel Hope

Awash in the furious waves

Feeling their fury

I also feel hope

While the waves intensity
Remains strong

A new spirit is also rising
One diffuse

of thoughtful caring
of deep love and passion
of much more

Words can not describe

There is a way
Through the waves

It is deceptively complex
and also in part

As simple, simple as it can be

Two hearts can share

Caring is not enough

It isn’t simple love

But rather

a challenge, a force

Crying out,
Reaching out

Trusting where trust hasn’t been enough

Moving, lurching at times

Into the noisy surf

Time will tell

I have hope

Hope is not enough

Hard work will hopefully


Lead to a softening
of the waves

A powerful, sometimes peaceful

Into a Stronger Future

As hazy as it may seem now

It will not be easy, 


I feel hope.


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