Letting Go - Bubba - With Sadness, but Peace

Bubba is hanging on, though weakening.  More blood comes from his mouth, particularly with his sneezing attacks and he sleeps more and more.

He still seems - to accept things and have happy times, though we can't possibly know the pain that he endures.   He has sensitive spots around his head particularly.

He still loves his time outdoors, though he's less sociable with other dogs.   He's barked ferociously several times, showing that there still is a lot of life in him.

I'm sad, yes!   Writing about Bubba makes me cry.

I'm also accepting - that his death - is a part of life and is what it is.   I am thankful for each day I have and realize that soon it won't be fair to Bubba to keep him alive.

He handles things - much more easily - doesn't have the worries that we have - handles his pains in the moments and goes on.

Bubba - you are a joy!   You've touched me like no other pet I've had and I've had a lot of them.


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