Old White Men's Fears ?

 2016 Election Results

White Men              Black Men

   T        C                    T     C

62        32                   14    81

White Women         Black Women

T              C                T     C

47             45               *     98

                    T     C

18 - 29       28   58

30- 49        40    51

50 - 64        51   45

65+              53   44


Us old white men really liked Trump in 2016!     Sixty-two percent of white men voted for Trump in 2016.   Based on the voting by age, noted above, 28% of the age 18-29 voters supported Trump, while 53% of the age 65+ of the voters supported Trump.    Clearly at least 2/3 to 3/4 of us old white men voted for Donald Trump.

Now - why we supported Trump in 2016, and why many of us support Trump in 2020 isn't necessarily obvious.


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