Tears Today


Entering my 73rd birthday

I feel pain

Deep Pain

My Body is Hurting

My Spirit is scarred

Perhaps even Bleeding

Hoping for a Respite

of Minutes – at least

Feelings and Though Abound

“I Deserve It”

If, If, If


I will not say

to you

While it isn’t easy

I can’t also Discard

the Feelings

and Thoughts

Squeezing outward

and Inward

Writing in these moments

Helps me Relax

Being in the Pain

Has Meaning

Can’t bring Accountability

but it helps

in the Moment

Thinking of my Father

His Body – shrinking

Losing – his struggle

Nearly 60 Years ago

Only Age 46

and I


Having the Opportunities

He Never Had

Can I Regain

The Flame or the Flicker

of the Flame

Of my Heart’s Inner Core

Had been growing

Seemingly Bountifully

Anger, Fear, Trembling

My Body Reacts

and I React

To it with Tears

Not of Rage

Dripping Slowly

Being in Sad Contemplation

Being Young(er)

Twas – Painful

Had been seemingly


of all That.


Can I Learn

Really Learn

so much more


To dig Through

Pain – can Lead



I am Trying

I will (Continue to) Try


Struggling where it is


A New Way


My Opportunity

to Become

to Be


Where Reality

while not Hollywood

Tis also Grounded

In a reality of Caring

Loving, Being


Loneliness – not

Limited to Pain

-        Minimizing

The Hurt

The Deep Hurt

A Chance

Beyond the Dice

The Wind

Asks this Once


I’m Listening

Hopefully I’m Hearing

the Haunting Words

of wonder

of the Wounds

IF not healing

At Least Being

Much Better

Today, Tomorrow

and Beyond

May 16, 2024

Tears of Now




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