Joe, It's Your Responsibility Now!


Joe, It’s Your Responsibility Now!


Joe,  You weren’t my first choice, second choice or even third choice

I’m far from alone in this

Yes – Donald Trump

and the Republicans

Did all that they Could

To Make-  your job Impossible

You won the election

You now owe a lot

To Representative Jim Clybourn

Without the Black Support

He Rallied – to your Cause

You’d not have been

The Democratic Party Nominee

The Border with Mexico

is a Disaster

It is Your Disaster

Because – you are The President

You Face a Number of Key Issues

Joe Manchin

is hardly a Democrat

Mitch McConnell

Is technically a “Human”

He will However

Do all he Can

To Stop All That You Propose

The Republicans

Couldn’t Replace Obamacare


They weren’t One Voice Together

So, the Donald –

Became the “unifier”

Crazy as that Was

You can’t – Yell and Scream

Like the Donald

and be

“Donald Jr. – Jr.”

You have to Unify

a Difficult, Difficult Process

You Need to Keep Essentially

Middle of the Road (sic) “Republicans”

(your allies – in Congress)

Together with AOC and her Allies

Who Actually Have

A Realistic – though Idealistic Vision

of Fairness – Equity – Mutual Support

Confronting Finally – Racism

It is Not Easy

It is, However

Your Responsibilty

You are The President

2022 – could be a Great Success

The Economy Could Propel You Ahead

It Also – could be a Disaster

You Need to Reach – the Hearts

The Emotions – of Americans

Republicans – will Not

Give You a Break

Wake Up~

It isn’t Easy

It is, However

Your Responsibility

Can You Succeed?

Time will tell~




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